Friday, February 13, 2015

The phenomenon of hair loss

hair loss
Hair loss is a phenomenon that has a prominent place in our society and, in this regard, there are few figures and analysis offered in the answers that often do not focus completely on the issues in a targeted manner, highlighting the size of a problem which now involves more women, contrary to what was reported until a few years ago by the media.

In the United States, according to the detailed research on the phenomenon of hair loss, are 35 million men - respectively 21 million women - to accuse this issue, where especially in the age group of 60 to 80 years are manifested percentages higher (65 and 70 percent of men), while that in the case of thirty-five, this figure reaches only 40%. Among women, however, the age of 60 years showed a 80 percent of cases of individuals subject to hair loss.

READ ALSO: Long Hair by Guinness Book of Records

Another indicator of the size of the problem of hair loss is the number of transplants performed, with percentages of different surgical procedures among different age groups:

20 years 1.4%;

20-29 anni 19.3%;

30-39 anni 30.4%;

40-49 anni 26.3%;

50-59 anni 15.4%;

7.1% over 60 years.

Another solution to the problem of hair loss is pharmaceuticals, where the drugs most used are Minoxidil (with a market penetration of 85 percent) and Finasteride (stuck at 15 percent).

In addition to the above solutions, another proposal fairly sound is represented by lotions against hair loss, or even, all those cosmetics that are designed to help improve the appearance of their hair, reducing the perception of thinning, increasing to example, the volume of the hair.

In conclusion, always to highlight the impact of the problem of hair loss in women, it must be said that they are affected by the phenomenon with a percentage that reaches forty percent in the age of forty years, having to keep in mind that in depending on the color also varies the amount of hair, in the following manner:

blond hair - about 140,000;

brown hair - about 110,000;

red hair - about 90,000.

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